WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Audit Committee Paper 5 25/08/06 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR INFORMATION Title: HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Prepared by: ANDY RINNING, BUSINESS SERVICES MANAGER Purpose To provide the Audit Committee with an update on the current position on Health and Safety within CNPA. Recommendations The Committee is asked to note the current position. Executive Summary At the inception of the Park Authority we inherited the Health & Safety policy and procedures from the then Cairngorm Partnership. Several amendments and additions had been made over the past 3 years. However, it was recognised that a more comprehensive policy and set of procedures was required to meet the growing needs of the organisation. As a result, a qualified health and safety consultant was commissioned to carry out an examination of the premises and to review of our existing Health & Safety procedures and documentation, with a view to providing a comprehensive Health & Safety policy document, fire risk assessment and area risk assessments, commensurate with the needs of the organisation. Reports have now been received and recommendations are being considered for implementation as appropriate. HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY – FOR INFORMATION Background 1. Under the terms and provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its associated Regulations, CNPA has a duty to comply with all relevant statutory obligations and actively manage health and safety within the organisation. By doing so, CNPA can make a positive contribution to the creation of a healthy and safe working environment leading to additional improvements in overall efficiency and general performance levels. 2. When the Park Authority was set up in 2003, it adopted the health and safety policy and procedures from the then Cairngorm Partnership, which was subsumed within the Park Authority’s remit. These were amended over a period of time to reflect the changes in structure, operations and functions of the Park Authority. However, it became clear that a complete review was required to ensure the Park Authority had an up to date Health & Safety Policy which encompassed current legislation and associated Regulations. 3. A qualified Health and Safety Consultant was commissioned and given a remit to carry out a complete examination of all premises occupied by CNPA staff, review existing health and safety procedures and documentation and to prepare a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy including Fire Risk Assessments and Area Risk Assessments. The Consultant has submitted his reports and we are in the process of reviewing the Policy document and relevant recommendations arising from the Fire and Area risk assessments. 4. On completion of the review, the Policy document will be submitted to Management Team for adoption and publication. The Policy and procedures will be subject to annual review and amendment as necessary. The recommendations included in the Fire and Area Risk Assessments will be actioned as appropriate over the next few months and an update on progress will be submitted to the Audit Committee in the first quarter of 2007. These assessments will also be subject to annual review. Current H&S Provisions within CNPA 5. The following provides information on the current state of the CNPA health and safety management system: a) A comprehensive Health & Safety Policy document to be submitted to Management Team for adoption and publication on the CNPA Intranet. b) Fire and Area Risk Assessments completed for premises at Grantown and Ballater. Recommendations will be actioned as appropriate by end 2006. Areas identified as high risk will be reviewed in order to minimise or eliminate the risk. c) Generic risk assessments have been put in place to support individual staff and their line managers in carrying out a Health and Safety evaluation of their regular duties. Any additional tasks or functions not forming part of normal day-to-day duties will require an additional risk assessment to determine safe working practices. These additional risk assessments will be documented and agreed with line managers prior to undertaking the activity concerned. d) Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment has been prepared and circulated to all staff. e) Guidance has been prepared covering Incident and Accident Reporting, which will replace the existing accident book procedures. f) Guidance has been prepared on Lone Working, drawn from similar procedures currently in operation by SNH and the Forestry Commission. Negotiations are in progress to agree a contract with a call logging service and once these have been concluded the procedures will be implemented. An information note has also been prepared covering factors to be considered on Risk Assessment for Lone Working. g) There are currently 3 qualified First Aiders, 2 based in Grantown and one based in Ballater. h) There are 5 fire marshals based in the Grantown offices and one based in Ballater. i) In 14-16 The Square, Grantown, the fire alarm, emergency lighting and fire fighting equipment are covered by an annual maintenance agreement. In Morlich House the system is maintained by the landlord. The Ballater office is covered by the main Albert and Victoria Halls fire alarm system. The fire fighting equipment within the CNPA office in Ballater is covered by an annual maintenance agreement. j) Notice boards in all offices have a dedicated Health & Safety section for relevant information about responsibilities and other useful information. k) Health and safety, risk management and risk assessment training for managers and staff will be commissioned. l) As part of the CNPA overall approach to Health & Safety development, a member of staff has been appointed Safety Adviser and has attended a four day Institute of Safety and Health (IOSH) course in Managing Health and Safety. m) CNPA participates in the Health & Safety Forum as part of the Scottish Executive’s “On The Ground” initiative for sharing backroom functions. Recommendation 6. The Committee are asked to note the current position. Andy Rinning 14 August 2006 andyrinning@cairngorms.co.uk